We are proud that our team and the hospital has achieved some wonderful recognition. We have been published in articles and the team and the hospital has had nominations and won awards.
To learn more some images have additional content so please click on the images below.

Appearance with Dr Harry
Be apart of the show like Bonnie-May
Somersby Animal Hospital had the lovely owner write in to Dr Harry. If you too have had an interesting experience and want to be apart of the show feel free to contact us for more information.

Practitioner Of The Year 2019
Vet of the year!
We are so proud of Dr Robin Crisman who was recognised for her outstanding care and passion towards animals.
This is Robin receiving her award at the ASAV conference in Queensland.
Watch Bonnie-May's Story
Click the image to view
Watch how Somersby Animal Hospital has appeared on Dr Harry with our Own Dr Robin Crisman being the lead vet in all Bonnie-May's Sock encounters
Click the image to link to the story.

Headlines in the Express Advocate
"No creature too small for vet"
Read Robin's newspaper interview following her award.
Did you know she had no idea she was nominated?
To find out more click here to follow the link
Somersby Animal Hospital
vets for the
Australian Reptile Park
Caught on film
In the spotlight this story shows how we have the best job! Such a great opportunity to see these pups on the Ultrasound image. We all love being able to work with animals and our Australian wildlife.
Watch Adina the Dingo visiting Somersby Animal Hospital.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Award
Dr Robin Crisman
We are proud of dedication our whole team has in welfare and health of animals. Dr Robin Crisman goes above and beyond and was recognised for her efforts.
To read more about her nomination and award please click on the image.
To learn more about the Australian Wildlife Society click here.
Dream Turns Into Reality
Somersby Animal Hospital
The success achieved by the co owners Dr Robin Crisman, Gabriela Dahmen and Michelle Sizer was recognised in this published article. Devoting their compassion and love for animals and creating a place that they feel very proud to have established.
To read the article please click on the image.

MDBA Vet Nurse of the Year
Michelle Sizer
Sharing her compassion and care towards owners and pets Michelle Sizer was nominated and won the national MDBA vet nurse of the year award.
To read the article please click on the image.
New Vet Hospital Built with Passion
Somersby Animal Hospital
Dr Robin Crisman, Gabriela Dahmen and Michelle Sizer were recognised in this article for establishing an amazing veterinary facility. Built with owners, pets and the team members in mind. A place to be truly proud of.
To read the article please click on the image.

Country Fair Livestock Award
Somersby Animal Hospital
For being involved in the community. The recognition of the hospitals participation at the local fair and winners of this award for our participation and outstanding involvement.
Offering much more for your pets
Somersby Animal Hospital
An evolving way of helping our beloved pets but offering more options and alternatives. the Hospital is constantly changing with you in mind.
To read the article please click on the image.